“Never surrender opportunity for security.” -- Branch Rickey
The fourth of July.
What a special day in the United States. It is the day that we honor our country's marvelous heritage and celebrate her birthday.
But, I woke this morning with a heavy heart.
A heavy heart for those that are across the seas protecting the freedom of not only fellow Americans but also citizens of other countries.
I had to make a trip to Sunbury, Ohio, this morning and the recently dedicated Ohio Fallen Soldiers Memorial to honor my fallen friend former Staff Sergant Shamus Goare. The only thing falling faster than the rain on this muggy morning, were the tears running down my face.
Sadie Lynn appeared to understand the situation as she curled up on the passenger seat of the Blazer and rested her head on my arm on the center compartment. She wasn't her normal “excited” self, but the mood was somber as we made our way to the monument to honor my friend.
I had misread the Delaware Gazette reporting of the event and found that only about a quarter of the crosses were completed. The site was dedicated only a few days ago to much deserved fanfare. I felt incomplete as Shamus' cross wasn't completed yet. I had been building myself up to “be strong” when I saw his name on that cross, but then when it wasn't there the feeling was hard to explain. There was some relief, but yet this sense of unfinished business.
I will be returning soon to finish my fourth of July travel.
If you go: The memorial was only dedicated last Saturday and is not yet completed. There are currently about 15 crosses up honoring the first 15 Ohioans to fall, and flags represent the remaining heroes. If you continue into Sunbury, you'll find a wonderful town square. But that is a write-up for another time.
How to get there: Located about ½ mile east of the intersection of U.S. 36 and State Route 3 just west of the village of Sunbury, Ohio.