Change of seasons, change of plans.
My wife purchased me a beautiful Nikon D-70 camera for our Anniversary. It takes a lot better photos than my old HP point-and-click digital that I was using.
So with that I’m going to change the format of the Ohio County Project a bit, and for a couple of reasons.
First, There are some beautiful courthouses in Ohio, but I’m finding that after a dozen they all have very similar traits and items. Plus – despite living in one of the nation’s fastest growing counties – I’m a rural type guy. So going into downtown Mansfield and taking a photo has me wondering why? I’ve got the opportunity to head to beautiful Mohican State Forest, Malabar Farms, Gatton Rocks outside of Butler and instead I’m taking pictures of this “boring” building in downtown Mansfield.
So I’m no longer “tying” myself to simply putting the photo of the court house up.
This will also allow me to have a little more fun with the blog and the writing. I have a lot of updates to get on here and I’m hoping to make regular updates to the site and developing another side of my “story”
If you’re bored, take a moment and visit Connect2 OWU, it is a six-week old publication that we’ve created in the Office of Public Relations at Ohio Wesleyan University.
I haven't lived in Ohio for 29 years, but I love maple leaves and the way they change. Great picture.
Nanina - Thanks for the comments. The Maple trees - thankfully - were one of the few that were able to handle the quick frost and give us some beautiful pics.
We still have a couple of the trees in the front-yard that were able to withstand the mighty winds from this past weekend. I'm hoping for a couple more "fun" fall pics this weekend.
Toby, I hope the weather holds out looking forward to seeing more pictures.
Next week I will be driving from Colorado to Ohio . . . so I hope the weather really holds out. My grandma isn't doing well. I have family in Miami & Montgomery counties as well as Licking & Knox. So I am heading to Dayton to see my Grandma.
sorry to hear about your grandmother. We'll hold her in our prayers.
The weather is looking good for the next week.
Licking and Knox Counties? You got my attention, as I grew up in Danville (very NE Knox County).
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